We are only as good as our 'base of support' because the body works from the ground/bottom, up to counter the pull of gravity- especially noticeable in climbing. To be efficient in countering these effects of gravity, our posture (core) needs to be in a position that can produce downward force that is perpendicular to the 'ground'. If you are smearing on a vertical wall- your shin has to be at a particular angle between your foot (base) and your center of mass to produce downward force which will hold you 'up'. If that shin angle changes, you will slip in the direction that it gives to.
Concepts behind these exercises
'Feeling' and sensation based learning.
'Project' because these exercises you will figure out more by feeling through them on your own, as opposed to me telling exactly how to go about them. However, as you progress I will add some detail and complexity.
personal training

Wellness is not an arrival point. It is an act of maintenance, a sliding scale of behavior that keeps your present state of ability and capacity in mind >
It is easier to recognize the best and/or the worst parts of ourselves. This contrast simplifies us into points of fixation and both ends can lead down the same rabbit-hole, amplifying our self-perception through the context of the culture we participate in. Before we know it we're on a lifelong search for that long-lost self, never quite recognizing that we are actually on someone else's journey.Our lives are complex and there's a lot more going on within us than what the world could ever see. We are much more than ends of a spectrum- we are human. All the questions that lead us to seek outward, seem to develop as a result of our fabricated 'ends'. Through a different lens, perhaps those questions would lead us into the 'gray area' in between, and perhaps if we can move the median, our ends will adjust and expand, too. Your body never leaves, but that mind sure can wander far away. What if they traveled together? To venture in the same direction then, guiding coordinates might be -
1 Recognizing when your baseline of wellness is not being met.
2 Knowing what you need to recover from this deficit.
considerations to challenge conceptions
Wellness Grants Fitness
(fitness does not grant wellness)
Sneaky Misconceptions:
self-care, exercise & intensity
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Chris Ruffolo, the fantastic human behind, Post Competitive Insight and ThinkMovement, was intrigued enough to write a few pieces about my movement principles, which offer perspective on my philosophy and approach to movement.